Sunday, June 13, 2010

Quick update

I've been neglecting this blog, haven't I. I have no excuses, really.

I'm probably forgetting some things, but anyway, some brief updates.

New picture of Annah (IHF Kenya). I've had a package for her (and both my CI girls in the Philippines) waiting to be sent for ages...I need to get on that. I'm terrible about corresponding with her, which is awful of me, because she is such a sweetheart. I haven't heard about Arupe from my friend whose daughter is corresponding with him, but I'll have to ask how that's going.

They grow up way too fast.

A letter from Wituelle (Compassion Haiti), who I'm also terrible about writing to. Okay, let's put it out there: I'm not very good about writing to any of my kids. I hope they know how much I love them!

And a letter from Thandiwe's uncle on her behalf. I wish there was something I could send to thank the relatives who write for her. I've thanked them in my letters but it doesn't seem like enough!

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