Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Returning from several weeks out of town, I had a bunch of sponsor mail!

A letter from Wituelle, whose financial sponsors apparently sent her a very generous monetary gift. I wish I knew these people; they seem so nice, and she continues to thank me for their generosity...I hope they know how much it means to her! I have no idea why they choose not to write to her, but it's clear that they care for her very much.

A letter from Sophia, with a totally adorable drawing. The poor girl got stuck with a crazy cat lady for a sponsor...gotta love her humoring me ;)

Letter and package pics from Jessa in Manila. I'd actually forgotten I sent it; people have commented that they have problems with hearing back about direct packages with their kids in Manila and Lusaka - naturally, where two of my three CI kids are! I'm also glad it arrived to coincide with her birthday...I'm a terrible sponsor and completely forgot to send her a card! I dodged a bullet this time!

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